I Like Shiny Things.


This is actually a candle holder. I bought it at Hobby Lobby with just the perfect spot in mind.


I used it as a light cover to replace those stupid white spheres that just hang there. Just. So. Boring. It casts the prettiest shadows. Its like a crystal disco ball. I can finally have that dance party in my hall that I’ve been dreaming of. Best of all it only cost $25 and completely changes the look and feel of my tiny hallway if you can even call it that. I liked it so much I went out and bought another one for the light in my laundry room.



Filed under Home Decor, House, Simple Ideas

8 responses to “I Like Shiny Things.

  1. How pretty and what a great idea. Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage. Hope to see you again soon.

  2. omg i need to find one of these at the yardsales this spring. thats awesome!

    • Gloria

      Thanks Twyla! It’s one of my favorite makeovers! So simple and easy, no wires! I did have to change the light bulb to something not as bright, I couldn’t even look at it! Eventually I would like to get some dimmers on it and it will be perfecto!

  3. Oh my this is incredible! Wow I seriously would have never thought of this and I hate those fish bowl looking light fixtures in my home too. Im going to be on the look out now so I can change mine out…thx for the great idea!

  4. How did you attach it to the light? I want to do this, but I’m slow. I need directions, lol!

  5. Pingback: Changing a Light Bulb | A Little Paint

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