Closets are rooms too…

And they deserve matching hangers

When we moved into our house, I painted my closet before I even put anything in there. So that’s why this before doesn’t have any clothes in it. It’s the same color as the back of my built in that I refinished. Ben Moore paint is expensive and I want my money’s worth! Plus I adore this color. Then, I hung up my black chandelier I got from Hobby Lobby, only $25. I L.O.V.E. that store. Looks like I need to do a little dusting, oops!
Copy of Gloria Closet

Here is the full view. Its not a huge walk-in closet maybe just a “step in” closet because I can’t do any walking in here, at least, not for exercise. I did my best to make the most of the space. There is still So. Much. Stuff. that just won’t fit in here. Someday, I would like all of my clothes, accessories, shoes and bags to be together, they deserve it.





Its funny, I feel like I hardly have any red clothes but in these pictures they stick out the most!


I attached my drawers I bought at the ReStore to the wall after they were sprayed black. I think I paid $2 each, and it had the dividers in them already which is why I bought them. It makes the perfect holders for belts, bracelets and nighties.



I hang my necklaces and earrings on a jewelry hanger from Urban Outfitters.


It is attached to the cubby for my jeans. Which are organized by fit. Is there any other way?


And I can’t leave out my lovely wedding shoes. Sigh.


The rug is a bit bigger than the floor so I just folded it over which works nicely. I have travertine underneath that and it gets so cold in the winter since my closets sits against a corner of the house and there isn’t exactly any heat in there unless it gets left open.

My closet makes me so happy. What more could a girl ask for. Well, maybe a couple extra hundred square feet.


Filed under Before and Afters, Home Decor, House, Organization, Simple Ideas, What did she paint now?

14 responses to “Closets are rooms too…

  1. Looks fabulous! I might be a little more happier to walk in my closet if it looked as nice as yours! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh my God. [thud]. You are so lucky.
    Closets are not rooms in my house. They are a wardrobe. Singular.
    I may be drooling a little into my laptop.

    Found and following via the Creative Bloggers hop.
    Lakota x

  3. SJ

    I’m so impressed and inspired to organize our closet :) Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers’ Party & Hop.

  4. Ann

    I love what you did! The closet is fabulous!

  5. I LOVE it!!! I too have a “step in” closet and always felt I couldnt do anything to it. but now you’ve given me the inspiration to go for it!!!

    • Gloria

      Yeah, Amanda! Go for it! I’d love to see it finished too! I would totally help you decorate and paint it, you know the labor, but I just don’t think the internet has that kind of advanced technology yet. Good luck!

  6. Okay that is an awesome, awesome closet! I’m inspired to run out and get a zebra rug for mine, although I already have a lovely shade of pinky beige broadloom in there :)
    Great post!

  7. Oh my goodness! I am so envious of your closet, I LOVE it!! I think i will have to add my closet to my list of “To Do” Thank you so much for sharing :)

  8. Pingback: Link Lovin | Finding Silver Linings

  9. Marie L

    Lucky,courageous you! I’m terrified to do ANYTHING to my closet. Got things in there that haven’t seen the light of day for ages (years!) I’m afraid I’ll get stuck in a corner and never be heard from again!

    • Gloria

      Haha, I would totally come over and help, I love organizing and purging. Something about hauling out bags of STUFF I DON’T need anymore is so revitalizing!

  10. Kris

    What color is the paint you used on this fab closet?

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