Not According to Plan

I was extraordinarily excited for the weekend on Friday. My brain was on overload of everything I wanted to do. Make Curtains! Paint a rug! Clean up the yard! Paint my cabinets! Add to the shelves! Take off the storm door! De-clutter garage! Hang shelved! Paint bathroom!

Then GASP!!!

Something tragic happened…

lost photo

My precious puppy Durant got out and we later found out was pick up by the dogcatcher… Ugh. THANKS, neighbors (rolls eyes sarcastically). We couldn’t do anything about it because they were closed. So Friday, there was no work done on the house… Bummer.

Saturday rolls around,  I’m up and out of the house by 9 (as soon as the shelter opens) to get my dog. There were so many hoops to jump through I didn’t get home until noon. That is THREE hours. What a waste of a morning! Still no work done on any of my projects. Five minutes after I got home, I lock my keys in the car. Great. One minute after that, I was called into work.  Fast forward to 2:30 I’m finally home with nothing checked off my list.

I went ahead with the one project I felt like I just couldn’t ignore anymore. The front yard.



The yard has been sorely neglected. Since becoming a home owner, I’ve been so focused on making the inside pretty, I didn’t ever take the time to do much of anything to the front. I’m also NOT a gardener. I love pretty plants and flowers. I even want my own herb garden. What I don’t love is working in the heat and the constant maintenance. Or picking out the flowers. There are TOO many choices and I get so overwhelmed.

Since it cost us over $150 to get our puppy back, I decided to scratch the flowers and just clean up the yard. Now I don’t have to feel guilty when I kill the flowers, because we don’t have any! I only weeded, trimmed the trees, and mulched the beds.




I said bye bye to these old guys. They have always looked like this and we have lived here for a year and a half. Just now getting around to it.


I bought these solar LED garden lights from Walmart and they were only $4 each. I thought I would hate the blue LED, but they are not obnoxiously bright and I like the sparkle it gives at night. They look like glass lollipops in my garden.

And I really like lollipops. A LOT. Case in point.

Halloween Circa 2007?

Although my weekend got off to a rough start, I’m actually satisfied with what I accomplished. It’s so nice to not be embarrassed about your house when you come home. Of course, I did a few other things too. I’m not gonna put them all up in one post. What’s the fun in that!

Oh and about the storm door… I saw this the other day and it just warmed my heart. A puppy can dream!



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4 responses to “Not According to Plan

  1. Reenie

    Good thing you still have the storm door on ;) My cats love to lay in front of my storm door and bask in the sun :)

    • Gloria

      There is something so precious about an animal by the window yearning to be on the other side. Then I get so jealous that my life can never be that simple. If only!

  2. Oh no! I cannot deal when things don’t go according to plan…and I can’t believe how much it cost to get your pup back?! But, yard looks great and the next weekend will be rolling around before you know it.

    • Gloria

      Oh I was crying about the cost, believe me! (sobs) “Thats a new chandelier!” I’m already making a plan for the weekend! Wahooo!

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